Read our most recent newsletters:
05/29/2018 - Last Chance for this Thursday
05/25/2018 - Ready. Set. June 5th.
05/23/2018 - Join the converstaion
05/16/2018 - Learn, Laugh, Make a Difference
05/10/2018 - Your Feminist Mom Deserves Big Thanks!
05/08/2018 - Gender parity in the CA Legislature
05/03/2018 - Send us your Tubmans!
04/19/2018 - The tale that wags the dog!
04/05/2018 - Congrats Sydney & Luz!
03/29/2018 - One Small Lunch, One Giant Leap for Womankind
03/22/2018 - Madame President Pro Tem
03/20/2018 - Win 2 tickets to lunch this Friday
03/15/2018 - Be careful what you wish for
03/14/2018 - Join the conversation
03/08/2018 - International Women's Day
03/06/2018 - Understanding the turmoil we're in
03/05/2018 - Great to meet you at Convention!