Gender Parity in the California State Legislature by 2028

Close the Gap California is a statewide campaign launched in 2013 to close the gender gap in the California Legislature by 2028. We recruit and prepare diverse, progressive women to run for open and winnable swing seats.

Check out our 10th anniversary slideshow!

20 CTG Women Serving Today

Since our launch in 2013, Close the Gap has been changing the face of the California Legislature one cycle at a time. Today, 20 Close the Gap women are serving in Sacramento, and 14 of them are women of color.

We believe that progressive women can transform leadership in our state and set a national example for the more just and inclusive democracy our most urgent challenges demand.

But our work is not finished yet.

Less than a decade ago, not even a quarter of our legislators were women.

2010s - 26 women: 20-year low

Women’s numbers have DOUBLED since 2017! Recruiting works.

2022 - 50 women: All-time high

Our goal: gender parity by 2028

2028 - Gender parity by 2028. 60 women: Equal representation!




Close the Gap California reached out to me early and they were unbelievably helpful, prior to me making my decision, and in connecting me with other women who were running for state office. I continue to look to Close the Gap when I’m thinking about what the future looks like for women in California. Let's close the gap, California!

State Senator Monique Limón (Class of 2016)

There is a direct connection between the number of women we can elect and the groundbreaking social justice policy our state house is able to deliver for California and offer as an example to the nation. Thank you to Close the Gap for recruiting progressive women who reflect their communities!

Los Angeles Mayor Karen Bass

The best way to get prepared is through the Close the Gap process. My predecessor announced his resignation on December 1, 2021. On December 2, I announced with a host of endorsements. I learned how to do that at Close the Gap. I encourage everyone who wants to see women in the State Legislature, and to see them making decisions that are great for all of us and the betterment of California, to support this work.

Assemblymember & Black Legislative Caucus Chair Lori Wilson (Class of 2022)

I am so inspired by Close the Gap’s state emphasis: that’s been our missing link. If we made a tactical error in the women’s movement over time, it was to focus on Washington, way more than on State Legislatures. It is not always easy because the media focuses on the national levels but your work state by state is the most important.

Gloria Steinem, in conversation with CTG ED Susannah Delano, May 2020

The work you're doing at Close the Gap is so important. A group of women who have found a problem, who have identified this solution, and who aren't gonna let up until it's fixed...If our legislatures were half female, you better believe we would have closed the wage gap. We would have universal child care. We need more women in the California Legislature. That's how we're going to make this a world that works for everyone.

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren to CTG Supporters, March 2022

EMILY’s List has been proud to partner with Close the Gap in laying the groundwork for California’s next generation of Democratic pro-choice leaders who reflect the communities they serve. Close the Gap’s targeted advance work is key to ensuring that the candidate pipeline is ready with diverse women who will champion our shared values. For a more just and equitable future for all, this work is essential and EMILY's List is proud to work alongside them to elect candidates that will change the world.

President of EMILY's List Laphonza Butler

Close the Gap's vision in identifying and recruiting candidates is really making a difference. We're seeing women from all different disciplines thinking about how they can serve in a more purposeful way. I know this from experience serving on all-women boards: women tend to look more globally at issues, not just the problem at hand, but how the solution is going to bring even broader public benefit.

California State Controller 2015-2023 Betty T. Yee

CTG Events


8 - 9:30 AM

“Toast to Parity” Swearing-In Day Breakfast Reception

Camden Spit & Larder, 555 Capitol Mall, Sacramento

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2024 Sacramento Symposium Partners Reception

California Faculty Association - Sacramento

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8 - 10 PM

Party for Parity

The Grand Ballroom - Sacramento

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